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About Red Llama, Inc. (www.redllamainc.com<\/a>) <\/b>Red Llama, Inc. is a privately owned software company founded in 2005 focused on using interactive video simulation software to dramatically reduce the time and cost of training for medical professionals. SimPraxis is interactive simulation software platform for medical training on a personal computer and iPad. SimPraxis is a revolutionary cognitive and interactive program that focus on surgical concepts, procedure steps, anatomy, instruments and risks of specific surgical procedures. <\/p> \n

#patientsafety #surgeon #simulation #obgyn #GERD #surged<\/p> \n

CONTACT: Steve Samuelson<\/span>, +1-425-985-0249, steve@redllamainc.com<\/a><\/p> \n

Photo - http:\/\/photos.prnewswire.com\/prnh\/20140423\/77878<\/a> <\/p>"]; $("#dvExtra").html(content_array[0]);})();