(function(){ var content_array=[" \n

About LTS:<\/p> \n

LTS is the global market leader in the development and manufacturing of innovative transdermal systems LTS TTS and oral thin films LTS OTF. Founded in 1984, LTS is a German based pharmaceutical company with global presence and operations in both in Germany<\/span> and the USA<\/span>, employing about 1500 and a yearly turnover exceeding EUR 300<\/span> mio.<\/p> \n

dievini Hopp BioTech holding GmbH & Co KG
Tel. +49(0)621-4256-208<\/p> \n

Tel.: +49(0)2632-990
Mail: info@ltslohmann.de<\/a><\/p>"]; $("#dvExtra").html(content_array[0]);})();