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About Ribose<\/strong><\/p>\r\n

Ribose helps individuals and organizations worldwide cooperate effectively through its social collaboration platform. By focusing on the \"whole of collaboration,\" Ribose has taken online social collaboration to a new level. Whether planning social events for family and friends or running complex business projects, you will find that Ribose makes it easy, effective and genuinely fun. Ribose is currently in public beta, is free to use, and is already redefining collaboration results for many. Founded in 2008, Ribose is headquartered in Hong Kong with an office in Los Angeles, CA. http:\/\/www.ribose.com<\/a><\/p>\r\n

Press and Analyst Contact:
Cathy Caplener
Be Cause PR
+1-310-374-2874<\/p>"]; $("#dvExtra").html(content_array[0]);})();