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About Opera Mediaworks<\/p>\r\n

Opera Mediaworks is the world's largest mobile advertising platform, helping to power the global mobile economy. We improve efficiency, through technology, innovation, transparency and trust, to create an open and vibrant marketplace for publishers and advertisers across the globe. Opera Mediaworks includes AdMarvel, a mobile ad server and ad exchange; Mobile Theory, a premium mobile ad network in the United States; 4th Screen Advertising Ltd., a premium ad network in the United Kingdom; and Mediaworks Performance, a results-driven, mobile ad network. Also included are impressions served within Opera mobile properties, including the Opera Mini Smart Page and the Opera Mobile Store. Opera Mediaworks is part of the Opera Group.<\/p>\r\n

Media Contact:
David Bray
david@dbraymedia.com<\/a><\/p>"]; $("#dvExtra").html(content_array[0]);})();