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ABOUT LABEL 5<\/p>\r\n

Leading Scotch Whisky brand, LABEL 5 is carefully distilled, matured and bottled in our distilleries in Scotland. Established in more than 100 countries, LABEL 5 is renowned for its high quality and appreciated for its smoothness. With 2.5M 9-L cases sold in 2013, LABEL 5 is a key player in the Scotch Whisky category.<\/p>\r\n

LABEL 5 First Blending Company - Starlaw Road, Bathgate, Scotland<\/p>\r\n

For more information: Group LA MARTINIQUAISE, http:\/\/www.la-martiniquaise.com<\/a><\/p>\r\n

http:\/\/www.multivu.com\/mnr\/71400536-label-5-instagram-video-contest-5-city<\/a><\/p>"]; $("#dvExtra").html(content_array[0]);})();