
America's #1 Disease Forecaster & World's First & Only Disease Almanac Publisher

Ascel Bio
2014-09-08 20:00 1976

NEW YORK, Sept. 8, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Ascel Bio, the disease forecast and outbreak warning company, publishes new assessment of Ebola outbreak in West Africa, country-by-country.

Disease Forecasting: EMERGING INDUSTRY

  • Ascel Bio consistently predicts outbreaks of infectious diseases and biohazards with tremendous accuracy. International disease predictions arrive at Ascel Bio's clients weeks or months BEFORE governmental announcements.
  • Ascel Bio's commercially available software virtually turns hospitals into sophisticated Radar Stations for Infectious Disease delivering forecasts and outbreak warnings.
  • ONLY seasonal infectious disease forecast and outbreak alert software available.
  • Warns on 200 infectious diseases and foodborne illnesses which cause over $150 billion in annual damage in US.
  • With a 93% accuracy rate, clinicians using Ascel Bio forecasts effectively deliver immediate and informed care. The impact of utilizing this service can ultimately save millions from death and trillions in the global economy.
  • Fortune 500 companies list 'Pandemic' and 'Infectious Disease' risks in annual reports. Accurate, fast, safe, and reliable forecasting: a mainstay for national security and public peace of mind. Earlier assured warnings of "non-routine" health crises and disasters, from acts of biological terrorism, accidents of biotechnology, emerging infectious disease, or routine infectious disease, result in documented improvements to health security.

Ascel Bio Team: OUT IN FRONT For 15 Years

  • Ascel Bio's technological applications for disease forecasting and outbreak measurements save lives. From Lyme disease in Connecticut to Ebola in West Africa, Ascel Bio's experts have industry proven track records.
  • 2012: Ascel Bio helped doctors at Colorado's Delta County Memorial Hospital recognize a non-routine outbreak of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), cutting hospitalization rates 75% saving community an estimated US $800,000 in healthcare costs.
  • In Haiti, Ascel Bio's team cut cholera Alert Verification Response Cycles from 30+ days to less than 24 hours and they were first to warn on H1N1 Mexico.

Accurate Disease Forecasting Makes Sense Because:

  • Disease cycles directly affect hospitals, doctors, payers, pharmaceuticals and pharmacies, labs and diagnostics, food and agriculture, hotels, airlines (travel and tourism), educational facilities and children, and governments.
  • Outbreaks increase risk, healthcare and insurance costs, and create economic volatility.
  • Infectious diseases cause absenteeism and reduced productivity within health industry and the workplace.

CONTACT: JAMES M .WILSON V, M.D., Ascel Bio Chief Forecaster, +1-914-834-8215

Source: Ascel Bio