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About Alibaba Cloud<\/span> <\/b><\/p> \n

Established in 2009, Alibaba Cloud<\/span> (www.alibabacloud.com<\/a>) is the digital technology and intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group. It offers a complete suite of cloud services to customers worldwide, including elastic computing, database, storage, network virtualization services, large-scale computing, security, management and application services, big data analytics, a machine learning platform and IoT services. Alibaba Cloud<\/span> is China's<\/span> leading provider of public cloud services by revenue in 2019, including PaaS and IaaS services, according to IDC. Alibaba Group is the world's third leading and Asia Pacific's<\/span> leading IaaS provider by revenue in 2020 in U.S. dollars, according to Gartner's April 2021<\/span> report.<\/p> \n

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