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About QBE Mortgage Insurance (Asia) Limited
<\/strong>QBE MI Asia has been providing mortgage insurance for over 14 years and has a deep knowledge of the Hong Kong market. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of QBE Lender's Mortgage Insurance Limited (QBE LMI). QBE LMI is a leading mortgage insurer with over 47 years experience in the Australian market and over 24 years in the New Zealand market. Through our proactive approach, innovative products and services, and longstanding knowledge and expertise, QBE LMI has helped its customers manage their risk.<\/p>\r\n

QBE LMI's ultimate holding company, QBE Insurance Group Limited, headquartered in Sydney, is one of the top 20 insurers and reinsurers worldwide as measured by net earned premium, with operations in all key insurance markets and offices in 48 countries.<\/p>"]; $("#dvExtra").html(content_array[0]);})();