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About Great Place to Work<\/strong>®: <\/strong><\/p> \n

Great Place to Work® Institute is a global research, consulting and training firm that helps organizations identify, create and sustain great workplaces through the development of high-trust workplace cultures. Great Place to Work® serves businesses, non-profits and government agencies with offices in 45 countries on all six continents.<\/p> \n

About the<\/strong> Best Companies to Work For® in Greater China List:<\/strong><\/p> \n

The second annual Best Companies to Work For® in Greater China List ranks the top 10 companies to work for in the region. This is the second launching the best workplaces list in partnership with CBNweekly <\/em>in China. The Best Companies to Work For® in Greater China list is based on a pool of data from some 51 companies and 100,000 employees in the Greater China region. Every year, Great Place to Work® Institute as a whole analyzes data from surveys taken by more than 2.5 million employees and workplace culture analytics taken from 5, 671 companies, that represent more than 11 million employees.<\/p> \n

Media Contact<\/p> \n

Marissa Huang
marissa.huang@greatplacetowork.com<\/a><\/p>"]; $("#dvExtra").html(content_array[0]);})();