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About iPoint-systems:<\/p> \n

iPoint is the world's leading expert in environmental product compliance and sustainability, focusing on software, consulting, training, and services for managing, tracking, and reporting data across the whole supply chain. iPoint's adaptive and comprehensive software solutions give the visibility and control customers seek in managing compliance and sustainability.<\/p> \n

Contact and further information:
iPoint-systems gmbh<\/strong>
Katie Bohme
Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 52-56
D-72760 Reutlingen
Fon +49-7121-144-89-60
Fax +49-7121-144-89-89
info(at)ipointinc.com<\/a><\/p> \n

http:\/\/www.ipoint-systems.com<\/a><\/p>"]; $("#dvExtra").html(content_array[0]);})();