
MEDIA ADVISORY: MultiVu Digital Center Feed: U.S. Envoy Defines Three Key U.S. Objectives to Bring Lasting Peace to Sudan - End Gross Human Rights Abuses, Genocide and Implement the North-South Peace Agreement

2009-12-04 08:36 1656

FORMAT: Soundbites

STORY SUMMARY: Remarks by Scott Gration, U.S. Special Envoy to Sudan as he reviews the Obama Administration's New Policy Efforts in Sudan and outlines the three major U.S. objectives to bring peace to the region.

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Scott Gration, U.S. Special Envoy to Sudan

Soundbite 1

Summary: Gration says the Obama Administration is focused on three major objectives to end the conflict and atrocities in Darfur, implement the North-South Peace Agreement and keep Sudan from becoming a safe-haven for terrorists.

IN: SB 1 - "The first goal is to definitely end the conflict in Darfur, the gross human rights abuses, the genocide. The second is to implement the North-South Peace Agreement. The third objective is to insure that Sudan does not again become a safe-haven for international terrorists." OUT (:34)

Soundbite 2

Summary: Gration remarks on 2010 meeting by senior officials designed to assess conditions on the ground and determine progress status, agree on incentives or add pressures. He says the U.S. is committed to international peace efforts and stresses that failure to accomplish objectives could result in more suffering.

IN: SB 2 - "Senior officials from the inter-agency will meet in early 2010 for the first in a series of quarterly agency reviews designed to assess conditions on the ground, to determine whether progress or backsliding has occurred, to agree on whether incentives or pressures are warranted. The U.S. has a clear obligation and an interest to lead the international efforts for peace in Sudan. Failure to accomplish our objectives ... could result in more suffering... we just can't afford to fail. We have no option but to succeed. And working together with all the parties and with our international partners I believe we can succeed."

OUT (1:08)

TRT: 1:54

VIDEO PROVIDED BY: U.S. Department of State

Source: U.S. Department of State