
Lujiazui Promo Movie to Debut in Times Square on Christmas Eve

SHANGHAI, December 23, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- A promotional movie showcasing the financial district in Shanghai, China is slated for premiere at the landmark Times Square in New York City on Christmas Eve 2014.

Produced by China's official news agency Xinhua News Agency, the 30-second movie named I Love Finance City will showcase China's financial heartland Lujiazui, an area that sits on a bend of the Huangpu River and across the historical Bund in Shanghai.

The Screening is part of an effort to raise Lujiazui's global profile. The movie comes amid the holiday season to deepen Lujiazui's exchange with the world's leading financial center

Landmark buildings, cultures and people from both Shanghai and New York captured in the movie reveal the two cities' shared aspects and their unique characters. The movie will also be shown on an outsize screen in Lujiazui.

"New York and Shanghai really has a lot in common," says a financial professional working in Lujiazui Finance District, "Lujiazui is the Chinese equivalent of Wall Street and the Shanghai Tower is China's Empire State Building."

Toward the end of the movie, hundreds of people living, studying and working in Lujiazui smiled as they hold the banner "I love Finance City".

"You can see the openness, confidence and friendliness in the smiles of people across all ages and nationalities. They were all so very excited upon knowing that their smiles will be featured in a movie aired on a screen in Times Square." says a producer involved in making the movie.

At the end of the movie, a giant QR code will appear for people to screen and add the campaign's official account on WeChat. The account allows users to upload their own photos to be featured in an upcoming video to be shown on the Lujiazui Financial Information Screen. The screen broadcasts real-time updates of financial indices, news and promotional materials. Xinhua News Agency supplies daily financial news feed to the screen.

"Symbolic, fashion, global and everlasting, these are some of Lujiazui's defining qualities. Our top priority in the future is to explore the financial district's diverse and international potential and make it the ideal place to live and do business and a hub of world-class brands." says Jian Danian, the director of Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone Management Committee.

"The movie is a global showcase of China's financial sector," says Jiang Wei, editor-in-chief of Xinhua News Agency's Shanghai Bureau.

Shanghai Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone is the only state-level development zone in China designated for finance and trade. It is also home to a full range of financial exchanges and institutions of systematic importance, such as Shanghai Stock Exchanges, Shanghai Futures Exchange, China Financial Futures Exchange, The Shanghai Head Office of the People's Bank of China (China's central bank) and China UnionPay.

Often known as "the Crossroads of the World", Times Square has been increasingly seen as the ultimate place to garner global attention to China. Xinhua News Agency leased a giant LED screen on 2 Times Square to promote Chinese cultures. Previous Chinese screening at Times Square includes the national image video featuring internationally-renowned Chinese artists and celebrities.

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Source: Shanghai Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone