
SweetRing: Malaysian Singles Want to Get Married, However They Fear Tying the Knot

Unhappy! The happiness index of these singles is standing at just 55 points
2017-06-19 10:31 4613

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, June 19, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Dating Website SweetRing unveiled today the results of a poll on the level of happiness among single adults in Malaysia.

According to a sample survey that SweetRing took of singles aged 20-50 among its membership in Malaysia, the happiness index of those who said they would like to get married stood at only 55 points. Besides financial concerns, uncertainties around finding the right relationship also appeared to be a key factor for their dissatisfaction. 70 percent of the respondents said they had been or are in a relationship, but were or are not prepared to take it to the final step.

Following a study on the ten factors that impact the happiness of singles in Malaysia, including salary, relationship status, dating status, home ownership and frustration over the local traffic conditions, SweetRing found the happiness index of singles who want to get married was only 55 points. The majority of respondents selected "salary" as the factor that affects their happiness most, followed by "relationship status". The survey results also revealed that 70 percent of respondents had not dated anyone in over three years, while 60 percent said they have no time for dating as they focus solely on their work in order to improve their financial status.

With the rise of dating apps that have made it a lot easier to meet new people and find dating partners, many among those surveyed said they feel there is renewed hope for the future as they have found the right person. However, they added that they would only consider marriage once they have the financial means.

Source: SweetRing