浙江富来森食品有限公司 FarmmiInc.

Latest News

Farmmi Announces New High-Volume, Multi-Customer Orders

LISHUI, China, July 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAMI)...

2023-07-05 20:30 4121

Farmmi Export Sales Expand in Europe with New High Volume Romanian Order

LISHUI, China, June 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAMI...

2023-06-20 20:30 3692

Farmmi Continues Growth in North America

LISHUI, China, June 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAMI)...

2023-06-06 21:00 3998

Farmmi Showcases Products at Asia's Largest Food Innovation Exhibition

LISHUI, China, May 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAMI)...

2023-05-23 20:30 3108

Farmmi Shipping High-Volume Mushroom Order to Canada

LISHUI, China, May 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAMI)...

2023-05-16 20:30 2819

Farmmi Welcomes Reopening of China's Oldest and Largest International Exhibition

LISHUI, China, May 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAMI)...

2023-05-10 20:30 2721

Farmmi Establishes New FARMMI USA INC. Wholly-Owned Subsidiary

LISHUI, China, April 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAM...

2023-04-24 20:30 2399

Farmmi Receives NASDAQ Minimum Bid Price Requirement Extension

LISHUI, China, April 14, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAM...

2023-04-15 04:00 4234

Farmmi Shipping High-Volume Order of Healthy Dried Mushroom Slices to Customer for Sale in England

LISHUI, China, April 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAMI...

2023-04-06 19:00 3689

Farmmi Customer Increases Shipments to Lebanon

LISHUI, China, March 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAM...

2023-03-15 19:00 2847

Farmmi Customer Shipping to Lebanon in Follow-on Order

LISHUI, China, March 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAMI...

2023-03-07 20:00 1496

Farmmi Subsidiary Selected for Prominent Lishui Enterprise Listing and Merger Promotion Association

LISHUI, China, Feb. 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAMI...

2023-02-27 20:00 2309

Farmmi to Participate in 2023 FoodEx Japan Exhibition

LISHUI, China, Feb. 14, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAMI...

2023-02-14 22:00 2147

Farmmi Reports Record Company Full Year 2022 Revenue

* 152.5% Increase in Full Year 2022 Revenue Compared to Full Year 2021 * 59% of Revenue Generate...

2023-02-14 05:00 3156

Long-Term Farmmi Customer Now Shipping to Chile

LISHUI, China, Jan. 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAMI...

2023-01-10 21:00 2069

Farmmi Receives Repeat High-Volume Order to Export to Jordan

LISHUI, China, Dec. 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAMI...

2022-12-20 21:00 3175

Farmmi Announces Latest Sale in the Middle East

LISHUI, China, Dec. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAMI...

2022-12-14 21:00 1999

New High-Volume Farmmi Order to Israel

LISHUI, China, Dec. 6, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAMI)...

2022-12-06 21:00 3277

Farmmi Continues Growth with Another Bulk Order Export to Canada

LISHUI, China, Nov. 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAMI...

2022-11-22 21:00 4577

Farmmi Shipping High Volume Order to Guam

LISHUI, China, Nov. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FAMI...

2022-11-16 20:00 2608
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