
Concordia Maritime: Interim report, 1 January-30 June 2021

Concordia Maritime
2021-08-12 19:47 19005

GOTHENBURG, Sweden, Aug. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --

Continued weak market

  • Total income
    Q2: SEK 208.4 (300.7) million
    HY1: SEK 388.0 (649.4) million
    Q2: SEK –16.7 (114.1) million
    HY1: SEK –62.4 (237.3) million
  • Result before tax
    Q2: SEK –88.4 (28.3) million
    HY1: SEK –208.6 (57.3) million
  • Result per share after tax
    Q2: SEK –1.88 (0.59)
    HY1: SEK –4.42 (1.20)

Events in the second quarter

  • New waivers received from lending banks
  • Two scheduled drydockings completed

Events after the end of the quarter

  • The Board of Directors has invited to an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 12 August 2021 as per separate notice for approval of the time charter and the guarantee contract under the Term Sheet with the lending banks.

Key figures Jan-Jun 2021

  • Total income, SEK million: 388.0 (649.4)
  • EBITDA, SEK million: –62.4 (237.3)
  • EBITDA, USD million: –7.4 (24.5)
  • Operating result, SEK million: –176.1 (106.6)
  • Result before tax, SEK million: –208.6 (57.3)
  • Result after tax, SEK million: –211.1 (57.3)
  • Equity ratio, %: 24 (31)
  • Return on equity, %: neg (0)
  • Available liquid funds, including unutilised credit facilities, SEK million: 139.5 (527.8)
  • Result per share after tax, SEK: –4.42 (1.20)
  • Equity per share, SEK: 14.67 (22.57)
  • Lost-time injuries: 2 (1)

This information is information that Concordia Maritime Aktiebolag (publ) is obliged to publish in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was provided by the contact person below for publication on 12 August 2021 at 12.30 CEST.

For more information, please contact:

Kim Ullman
CEO, Concordia Maritime AB
Tel: +46 31 85 50 03    
Mob: +46 704 85 50 03 

Martin Nerfeldt
CFO, Concordia Maritime AB
Tel: +45 88 938 661
Mob: +46 704 85 50 07

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The following files are available for download:

Concordia Maritime AB Interim report, 1 Januaryâ€"30 June 2021

Source: Concordia Maritime