KOBE, Japan, Dec. 16, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Joint research between E-Tech Co., Ltd. and Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine has verified the ability of ALTANT ozonized alcohol disinfectant to inactivate COVID-19. E-Tech's joint research with Hokkaido University has also verified the ability of ALTANT to inactivate the swine fever virus.
Logo: https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/img/202012118501-O1-m7kaxm06
Photo: https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M106403/202012118501/_prw_PI2fl_8052l9q8.jpg
- Background
Existing disinfectants have powerful sterilizing actions, but are harmful to human health. The strong sterilizing property of ozone is well known, but ALTANT can use ozone dissolved in alcohol through a special technology to be both a strong sterilizing agent and yet kind to the skin. This means ALTANT can be used safely to powerfully sanitize areas or places in need of sterilization. This is the first sanitizer in the world to dissolve ozone in alcohol and remain stable and effective for three years.
- Performance
Joint research with the National Institute of Infectious Diseases has already shown how good ALTANT is at inactivating adenoviruses, and the results of this testing have been published in the Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases (JJID).
- Testing at Kitasato Research Center for Environmental Science
ALTANT can quickly kill the hay bacillus, "B. subtilis," used as a sterilization index, in less than 5 minutes. It can also inactivate norovirus in less than 15 seconds.
- Patents
ALTANT has been patented in Japan, the United States, the European Union, and other places.
For more information, please visit:
E-Tech Co., Ltd.: http://www.e-teck.co.jp/
Inabata Europe GmbH: https://www.inabata.co.jp/english/
*Inabata & Co. is a distributor of ALTANT.