SONGDO, South Korea, Aug. 27, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is today launching the GREEN GCF CHAMPIONS Awards to recognize and promote the most noteworthy and successful efforts to fight climate change in developing countries.
These awards will recognize outstanding individuals and organizations driving climate transformation. GCF GREEN CHAMPIONS Awards will promote initiatives that stand as examples of environmental, social and business-led commitments to combat climate change.
GCF Deputy Executive Javier Manzanares announced the Awards during GCF's Global Programming Conference. "We want to recognize the contribution of these climate champions, and shine a light on their efforts," said Mr Manzanares.
Eligibility will include organizations and individuals engaged in supporting GCF projects and readiness activities, but it will not be limited to GCF activities: any individual or organization engaged in noteworthy climate action will be eligible for nomination.
Nominations will be accepted from September 2nd on Jury will consider the following evaluation criteria: Paradigm Shift Potential, Climate Impact/Result Potential, Innovation, and Knowledge Sharing.
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is a new global fund created to support the efforts of developing countries to respond to the challenge of climate change. GCF helps developing countries limit or reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to climate change. It seeks to promote a paradigm shift to low-emission and climate-resilient development.
For information on the Green Champions GCF Awards or GCF, visit; find us on Twitter (@GCF_News) and Instagram (@greenclimatefund).