
International Alliance "Chrysotile" Says Double Standards of European Union Deprive Millions of Access to Drinking Water

International Alliance of Trade Union Organizations “Chrysotile”
2018-04-18 21:54 2162

MOSCOW, April 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- According to United Nations statistics published on the organization's website, over 40% of the world's inhabitants suffer from a moderate or acute scarcity of drinking water. By 2025 the amount of those who face such problems is expected to increase to 5.5 billion people. But water that is available for technical and consumer needs is also polluted - "about 90% of sewage and 70% of industrial wastewater are discharged without previous treatment, which often results in contamination of usable water resources," states the UN special commission.

The intermediate result of this catastrophic ecological situation is reflected in World Health Organisation statistics which predict 5.5 million people will die every year from problems related to the poor quality and inaccessibility of drinking water.

The International Alliance "Chrysotile" declares that there are capabilities and technical solutions that can be applied to solve a range of problems related to the safe transportation of water resources. The use of durable and safe chrysotile-containing pipes makes it possible in a short period of time to create an effective system of water supply and drainage. Moreover, the cost of establishing such a system would be minimal.

The only obstacle to implementation of these solutions are the double standards of controlling organizations, formally or indirectly controlled by the EU government. A recent example can be found in the amendments to the "Directive on protection of workers against risks associated with exposure to carcinogens and mutagens at work". According to the new regulations, substances such as chromium VI compounds, wood dust and vinyl chloride, classified by the International Agency for Cancer Research as carcinogens of the first group, are permissible for use at work. According to the European Parliament and the Council of the EU, at the moment technological progress and the pace of production modernization make it possible to neutralize the negative effect from using the described group of materials.

According to the WHO, as set out in the second edition of the "Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality Analysis", on page 255, vinyl chloride pipes contribute to high concentrations of lead in drinking water, which can result in lead poisoning. Chromium VI, also mentioned in this document as a recognized mutagen and carcinogen (p. 213), is still a major element of environmental pollution in industrialized areas, and can provoke serious illnesses. Until recently, its use was limited to the EU territory, but now the carcinogen used in the creation, of textile fabrics for mass consumption, is allowed for widespread use.

Thus, dangerous substances classified by the WHO are in fact legalized by the EU and Member States. Despite having equivalent dangers (1st class) according to IARC ratings, chrysotile asbestos remains prohibited. Such behavior of the EU governing bodies demonstrates double standards in the sphere of industrial production regulation, as it contradicts the data of expert controlling organizations of the EU itself.

Reference to page 171 of the aforementioned document of the WHO, second edition of "Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality Analysis", includes the - relevant yet ignored - conclusion of a specialized commission which states that chrysotile asbestos pipes are considered absolutely safe for the supply of drinking. Scientists write that "there is no consistent, convincing evidence that the asbestos consumed (together with food or drinking water) is dangerous for human health" and therefore do not see the need to establish a maximum permissible threshold of asbestos fibers content in drinking water. Moreover, a highly relevant study was published following the July 1996 meeting of the International Programme on Chemical Safety, as well as additional studies conducted by scientists of the WHO and Specialists of the International Labour Organization.

The International Alliance "Chrysotile" considers it necessary to eliminate double standards in relation to chrysotile asbestos in EU countries and to allow its safe and regulated use. Such a solution would help effectively solve many of the problems of water supply and create a foundation for the safe and comfortable development of all the countries of the world, preventing the death of people from water scarcity and diseases associated with its pollution.

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Useful links: 

International Alliance "Chrysotile":

Chrysotile Association NPO:

Source: International Alliance of Trade Union Organizations “Chrysotile”