
Introducing Un-Social learning on FLOM Video

2023-01-09 12:29 1768

PLANO, Texas, Jan. 9, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Introducing Un-Social learning on FLOM Video, the new rival platform to Skillshare and MasterClass in the online learning space. With all the same features as these popular platforms and some additional ones, FLOM Video is revolutionizing the way people learn new skills and pursue their passions.

One of the standout features of FLOM Video is the ability for learners to connect with course creators in real-time through instant messaging. This allows for personalized feedback and support during the learning process, something not offered on other platforms. And with the marketplace, course creators can sell their own merchandise to their learners, offering an additional revenue stream for them.

But Un-Social learning on FLOM Video isn't just for learners – it's also for creators. The platform is now taking applications from creators everywhere in the world, regardless of what language they speak, with a focus on artisanal skills and craftsmanship courses. And to support these creators, Un-Social Video is offering huge discounts on high-end cameras and production equipment to qualified applicants who need help getting started.

FLOM Video will offer both free and premium courses, with premium courses requiring a subscription fee. Subscribers have access to the full range of Un-Social Video courses and can participate in community discussions and projects. Non-subscribers can access a limited number of free courses and cannot participate in community activities.

FLOM Video is a great resource for individuals looking to learn new skills or improve upon their existing ones, or for entrepreneurs and small business owners looking to grow their businesses. And with the opportunity for creators to share their knowledge and skills with a global audience, it's a win-win for everyone. Don't miss out on this innovative platform – join FLOM today and start learning something new.

Un-Social is a term created by Qrios, Inc the creators of the FLOM platform and it is used to describe a person on a network without a traditional social network model. And with the goal of disrupting the traditional social industry, Un-Social networks offer valuable, multicultural, transparent, and multigenerational options where everyone, everywhere has the ability to earn a living online.  

Source: FLOM