
Judgment Debts Against Defone Global Investments Limited by Order of The High Court of New Zealand and The Federal Court of Australia

HONG KONG, Feb. 9, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Brickhill Capital (NZ) Limited ("Brickhill") has obtained judgments against Defone Global Investments Limited (Seychelles) ("Defone Global") in the High Court of New Zealand and in the Federal Court of Australia.

These judgment debts exceed US$6.9 million and remain unpaid.

We have reason to believe that Defone Global is a company associated with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission ("ASIC") registered entity Vanguard Global Investments Pty Ltd (formerly Defone Global Investments Pty Ltd) in Australia.

In aid of the global enforcement of these Court judgments, Brickhill is seeking information about the location of any assets of Defone Global in any jurisdiction, and the whereabouts of its principal and sole shareholder, Chen Ying Ju (also know as Michael Chen).

Further information:

On 9 March 2017, the Honourable Justice Edwards of the High Court of New Zealand delivered judgment in proceedings against Defone Global Investments Limited, ordering the payment of USD6,903,207.50 and NZD99,729.73 to Brickhill Capital (NZ) Limited ("Judgment Debt").  Despite several demands on the judgment debtor, the Judgment Debt remains unpaid continues to accrue interest.

On 16 May 2017, Brickhill Capital (NZ) Limited successfully registered the Judgment Debt in the Federal Court of Australia. Solicitors for Brickhill Capital (NZ) Limited continue to investigate assets available for execution against the Judgment Debt.

Media contact:

Roland Tan
Tel: +64-9951-8234

Source: Brickhill Capital (NZ) Limited