
Political Unrest Fuels Demand for Second Citizenship in St Kitts and Nevis as Investors Prioritise Safety and Security

CS Global Partners
2021-02-11 08:00 3472

LONDON, Feb. 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- As political unrest and economic instability grips parts of Southeast Asia, many high net-worth individuals seek alternative means of protecting their future and that of their families. Second citizenship has been a growing trend in the region in recent years with wealthy investors looking for an insurance policy in the case of a crisis in their home country. A popular option they turn to is St Kitts and Nevis' Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Programme – the longest-standing economic citizenship programme on the market.

Launched in 1984, St Kitts and Nevis has operated its CBI Programme for nearly four decades thus earning it its Platinum Standard moniker. The citizenship acquisition process involves an applicant making a qualifying investment through the Sustainable Growth Fund (SGF) route. The SGF was first introduced in 2018 by Prime Minister Timothy Harris and is recognised as the fastest and most straightforward route to the nation's citizenship.

Once undertaking the multi-tiered due diligence process comprising of both internal and external checks, successful applicants gain citizenship for life with the right to live, work and study in the nation. Perks of St Kitts and Nevis citizenship also include increased travel freedom to 156 countries, including major business hubs, alternative business prospects and the ability to pass citizenship down generations to come.

Investors who choose to reside in St Kitts and Nevis do so assured that they are in a democratic nation committed to improving quality of life. The dual-islands has a low crime rate and boasts stable governance that offers citizens both safety and security. In recent years, St Kitts and Nevis has also ranked number one in the region in the Rule of Law index for order, security, and civil justice.

Micha Emmett, CEO of CS Global Partners, spoke to the importance of political stability. "Last year, when the world entered the lockdown, many people were confined to a country governed with an unstable political regime. The comfort of having a second citizenship and to be able to go to a country where you feel the safety and security of a steady, sensible government is priceless. We've seen St Kitts and Nevis truly stand apart from many other governments in being able to offer that sort of comfort to families," she said.

With parts of the region confronted with waves of unrest and the reminiscences of last year's Hong Kong demonstrations still fresh on people's minds, high net-worth individuals are increasingly pursuing alternative routes to protect their future, wealth and family.


Source: CS Global Partners