
The Taishan International Press and Publishing Cooperation Conference 2022 takes place in Tai'an, Shandong province

TAI'AN, China, July 25, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- On July 20, the Taishan International Press and Publishing Cooperation Conference 2022 took place concurrently with the press conferences for the inauguration of Taishan National Book Copyright Exchange and the launch of the large graphic album Tianxia Taishan in Tai'an, Shandong Province. In attendance were over 200 representatives from the press and publishing sector, including invited guests (who attended online as speakers) from Lebanon, Russia, the US and a number of other countries and regions. One of the key speakers was Frankfurt Book Fair president Juergen Boos, as well as top management executives from well-known Chinese publishing houses.

Taishan International Press and Publishing Cooperation Conference, an international culture exhibition held in Taishan Press and Publishing Town, provides a platform for discussions between top management executives from Chinese and international publishers as well as key publishers in the Metaverse touching on several topics and cutting-edge trends, with a focus on international exchanges and collaborations among publishing houses in the field of copyright protection.

Taishan Press and Publishing Town where the conference was held is the only town in China that was built solely to serve an entire industry chain and includes a press and publishing industry cluster, and a book copyright trading center. The town has signed agreements for 34 projects,14 of which are under development. Leveraging the advantages of the town, Tai'an is building the process of building a large press and publishing industry cluster valued at some 100 billion yuan. In addition, the inauguration ceremony of Taishan National Book Copyright Exchange, the only book copyright trading center in China, was also held concurrently to the conference.

With attendees from over 20 countries and regions worldwide, Taishan International Press and Publishing Cooperation Conference, in its fifth edition this year, has been recognized by the Publishers Association of China as the largest, highest-level and most influential event in the Chinese press and publishing sector.


Source: Information Office of Taian Municipal Government