
Messaging Goes Broadband - Acision Announces First 4G Messaging Solution

2010-02-15 18:42 700

Acision Broadband Message Service Centre Consolidates Existing and New Messaging Services Across Current and Future Networks

MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS, BARCELONA, Spain, Feb. 15 /PRNEwswire-Asia/ -- Acision, a world leader in mobile data, today announces Acision Broadband Message Service Centre (BMSC), the first network-agnostic messaging solution enabling mobile and fixed-line operators to consolidate existing and future messaging services into a single platform. Acision Broadband Message Service Centre allows operators to offer their users a richer messaging experience and increase revenues by enabling the rapid deployment of innovative next generation services.

"Today there are over 4 billion mobile users across the globe with access to the power of mobile messaging. Mobile messaging enables individuals to connect with their friends, family, and peers as well as interact with TV shows, information services and advertisers. It is clearly an indispensable part of our daily lives," explains Taco Schoute, Head of Messaging at Acision. "With the anticipated deployment of broadband networks over the next few years, such as LTE and WiMAX, all services including voice and messaging are expected to be delivered over all-IP networks. Managing seamless connectivity, performance, scalability and quality of service is all part and parcel of the Acision Broadband Message Service Centre."

With Acision Broadband Message Service Centre operators will be able to optimise their existing messaging infrastructure, while having the increased flexibility to deliver future IP-based services over WiMAX and LTE. Moreover, the solution offers a seamless migration from existing systems, as well as interoperability with traditional 2G and 3G networks, providing cost savings through consolidation of the messaging infrastructure.

"In this evolving mobile environment, operators need to ensure that any type of messaging service is delivered across any type of device, brand of network, from 2G and 3G networks to new IP networks. Operators must also be prepared for the ever-increasing capacity requirements of data traffic, while assuring the quality of experience that the end users -- unconcerned about the underlying technologies or complexities -- will demand. Acision Broadband Message Service Centre is focused on evolving the current landscape in mobile data services, by helping operators launch innovative service-bundles with the flexibility and network capacity to mix and match messaging with new IP services, supporting new business models and revenue streams," concludes Taco Schoute.


About Acision

As a world leader in mobile data, Acision aims to power innovation and profitable growth in mobile data services. As the pioneer of mobile messaging, Acision's real time mobile data solutions support its customers worldwide to drive new revenues with innovative services while controlling, optimising and monetising data traffic. For more information, visit Acision at .

Source: Acision