
Declaration of China National Congress for Donation after Cardiac Death

2012-03-22 18:44 5446

BEIJING, March 22, 2012 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- Organ donation pilot program was launched on March 2010, under the guidance of the principle of scientific development outlook and the construction of socialist core value system, put forward on the 6th plenary session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, as a further step of implementing Regulation on Human Organ Transplantation issued in 2007 by the State Council. Thanks to the strong promotion by Red Cross Society of China and Ministry of Health, the DCD pilot program has yielded encouraging result. The number of organ donation has exceeded 200. China has explored and preliminarily established human organ donation and transplant system fulfilling both internationally recognized ethical standard and China's national characteristics.

Today, Red Cross Society of China (RCSC) and Ministry of Health (MOH) convene China National Congress on DCD in Hangzhou, exchanging experience, discussing problems, formulating national protocol and developing strategic plans in the new era of organ transplantation in China. The Congress has reached the following consensus:

1. Societal and economic development, along with the increasing demand of Chinese people for healthcare necessitates the establishment of an ethical and sustainable organ transplant service system. Resolving the problem of organ source is the key to drive China's organ transplant industry toward a sustainable and ethical developmentand a critical measure of further implementing scientific development, constructing a harmonious society and promoting socialist spiritual civilization.

2. In the implementation of Regulation on Human Organ Transplantation issued in 2007, under the guidance and coordination of several ministries of The State Council, Red Cross Society of China and Ministry of Health learned from the experience of the pilot program and established the organizational framework consisting of China Organ Transplant Governance Committee, China Central Office for Human Organ Donation, China Organ Donation Expert Committee and Organ Procurement Organization System, thereby completing the top-level design of organ donation, procurement and allocation system as the foundation for expanding the program at national level.

3. In reference to WHO principles of organ transplantation, China has established an organ donation system meeting both the requirements of China's current, social and economical development and the principle of "voluntary and non-compensated donation". 1) The criteria of China Organ Donation categories I, II and III, have been established. The theme is the deceased organ donation after cardiac death; 2. Red Cross Society of China participate the campaigning and witnessing organ donation, voluntary donation registration, allocation, humanitarian aids and donor memorial independently from hospitals; 3. A scientific-based, equitable, fair and transparent organ allocation system has been put into place; 4. A non-compensated mechanism was established in accordance with humanitarian aid system.

4. Supported by ministries of The State Council, RCSC and MOH will steadily promote organ donation program to the entire nation, advance the achievements gained in the pilot program, further complete relevant laws and policies, improve organizational establishment, regulate organ procurement and allocation, increase publicity, advocate charity and devotion, thereby leading organ transplant in China towards healthy and sustainable development.

Source: Red Cross Society of China