
Speakers' Introduction for 2014 TFM&A and ECE

2014-04-29 14:33 6610

Metrics & Effectiveness & Customer Experience

SHANGHAI, April 29, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- 2014 TFM&A and ECE, which are organized by UBM China, SISA and EFU, will be held on 15-16th May at Hotel Equatorial Shanghai. We have invited 14+panel guests, 30+speakers, and 500+ professional spectators to take part in this wonderful conference. We expect to meet you at the conference in May!

Part of Speakers' List:

Part of Speakers’ List
Part of Speakers' List

60% discount rate available until 30th April.

If you register for 2014 TFM&A China and eCommerce Expo China right now, you will receive a gift (CamCard & CamScanner).


1. Log on to the website of 2014 TFM&A:  and register

2. The award winners who are eligible will receive a CamCard and CamScanner (They will be sent via email )

Source: UBM China