
Adecco: Survey of Children in Singapore Reveals that Becoming a Chef is the New Career of Choice

2013-01-14 07:00 2840

New Findings from the Annual Adecco Survey of School Children Living in Singapore Revealed

Being a Chef is the top career choice, followed closely by becoming a Doctor, Teacher, Nurse and Pilot

SINGAPORE, Jan. 14, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- For the seventh year, Adecco Singapore, a subsidiary of the world's largest HR organisation, has surveyed children across Singapore to learn more about their career aspirations and thoughts about the future. Each year, the results reveal interesting viewpoints from Singapore's workforce of the future -- responses that are often both poignant and funny.

The 7th annual "Adecco Children's Career Survey" has revealed that becoming a chef is the new top career choice amongst the 7-14 year olds surveyed. In the same survey from twelve months ago, being a "teacher" was the top choice. The findings also revealed that 82% of the children surveyed believe that it is more important to "spend time with family" than in making "lots of money".

The eagerly anticipated survey, conducted by Adecco Singapore, asked children aged between 7-14 years a number of questions, including:

  1. What do you want to be when you grow up? Why have you chosen this and how much do you expect to earn?
  2. What is the best/coolest job that you can think of?
  3. If you became Prime Minister of Singapore, what are the first three things you would do?
  4. What is more important: to make lots of money or to spend time with your family?
  5. What is the best/ most enjoyable thing to do in Singapore over the weekend?

6.8% of the children surveyed stated that they want to become a chef when they grow up. Clearly, many are fans of the Junior MasterChef Australia programme as well as the general increasing interest in food and new restaurants sprouting up all over Singapore. Many said that it was fun that aspiring chefs get to cook at amusement parks and famous landmarks. Those surveyed had monthly expectations ranging from S$100 to S$10,000,000.

Becoming a doctor has always featured prominently and been a top career choice in previous editions of this survey -- and was again popular with 4.0% of those surveyed wanting to pursue a career in medicine.

The results of this survey revealed interesting career choices.  A pair of 12-year old twin sisters aspired to be royal wedding planners, revealing themselves to be ardent fans of Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, whilst a 9-year old boy wanted to be the future "President of the World".  A number of the children surveyed stated that they wanted to be actresses because "it's fun to dress up and perform". The salary aspiration was to earn "ten billion dollars" by being a top chef, whilst one of the 7-year olds was happy to earn "S$20 and free Kinder Buenos" as a Superman.

The Top Five "What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up" Jobs, as identified in the survey, are:

  1. Chef
  2. Doctor (joint 2nd)
  3. Teacher (joint 2nd)
  4. Nurse
  5. Pilot

Career choices that demonstrated that our children continue to think of others and to provide support where possible include becoming animal helpers and veterinarians, surgeons, nurses, police officers, social workers and firemen - amongst others.

The survey also delves into what children feel is the "best/coolest job" in the world -- even though this may not be the job that they would choose to do themselves. The results revealed that children felt that being an actress/actor, fashion designer and F1 driver were the coolest jobs.

Other "cool" jobs include being an animal helper, fashion designer and synchronised swimmer. One 11 year-old wanted to grow up to be an inventor of "the best automated pizza maker".

In as much as becoming The Prime Minister of Singapore may not be the job for everyone, the majority of children surveyed had firm ideas on what they would do in this role during their first few days "in office". When asked what the first "three things they would do" if they become the Prime Minister of Singapore, the answers were thoughtful, interesting and often adventurous. Some of the responses included:

  • More fireworks during the National Day Parade
  • Make it compulsory for all students to learn the four main languages in Singapore
  • Round up all of the sick animals and send them to a vet
  • More school holidays in the year
  • Hold the National Day Parade in Universal Studios

There were many responses from the children about providing help, support and housing for elderly people as well as helping injured and stray animals -- clearly an important task for any Prime Minister.

Each year, the survey also asks children about their thoughts around family and money. The question, "What is more important -- to make lots of money or to spend time with your family?" revealed that 80% of the children would prefer to spend time with their families versus making money. Some of the reasons being:

  • My family is the best in the whole world
  • My sisters and I are best friends and we do everything together
  • Because I don't need to be a millionaire and I like having time with my family

For the question "What is the best/most enjoyable thing to do in Singapore over the weekend?", there was a world of answers to choose from. The children surveyed will certainly be busy in 2013, enjoying activities such as:

  • Going to Wild Wild Wet
  • Visiting the biggest aquarium in the world
  • Making chocolate cakes for the family

Not surprisingly, many of the respondents were interested in visiting Universal Studios -- time and time again!

For the second time, the survey also asked the young respondents "Which country you would choose to live in -- if you could live anywhere?" Some of the top locations were Australia, Japan, the US (particularly New York and California) and London. Some of the children also selected Thailand as well as Africa. However, the majority of the children selected Singapore.

Lynne Ng, Regional Director, Adecco South East Asia, commented: "The results of this survey have always been interesting and we see the children becoming more adventurous in their responses. Clearly our children are picking up on news as well as the conversations around them. It's also heart-warming to note that our young citizens are passionate about the environment and place a deep importance for family and community. Their responses also resonate with an understanding of what they would like their future to be -- one that is filled with fun and purpose."

About Adecco

Adecco S.A. is a Fortune Global 500 company and the global leader in HR services. Established in Singapore in 1985, Adecco Singapore offers a comprehensive range of services that includes temporary & contract staffing, permanent recruitment, outsourcing, executive search, leadership development, career management and outplacement. Services are delivered through a network of 20 offices and specialist divisions.

Media Contacts:

Ian Grundy
Head of Marketing and Communications, Adecco Asia
Tel: +65-6835-3400

Shirin Aziz
Marketing Manager, Adecco Singapore & Malaysia
Tel: +65-836 4555

Source: Adecco