
Australia Chooses ViaSat Small Tactical Terminal for Data Link Network Management

2013-12-20 02:14 2526

-- Small size, mission flexibility help deliver information to the tactical edge

CARLSBAD, California, Dec. 20, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- The Commonwealth of Australia, Joint Project 2089Ph2A Tactical Information Exchange (TIE), has selected ViaSat Inc. (NASDAQ: VSAT) to provide the Small Tactical Terminal (STT) KOR-24 for installation in its tactical data link (TDL) Network Monitoring and Management Systems.

STT KOR-24 small size and mission flexibility help deliver information to the tactical edge.
STT KOR-24 small size and mission flexibility help deliver information to the tactical edge.

TIE systems, including TDL, are a key enabler for ensuring that tactical information is created, processed and shared among warfighters. Under JP 2089, the Australian Defence Force (ADF) is introducing a coherent and coordinated TIE environment and is systematically introducing TIE capability to selected legacy platforms. The STT will be a critical enabler for the Common Support Infrastructure, delivering smaller size, weight, and power with higher capability, multi-channel software-defined radios to the tactical edge, with the added mission flexibility to be operating in different network types simultaneously. 

At only 16 pounds, the STT/KOR-24 terminal reduces the size, weight, and power of tactical data link equipment. The terminal, the first and only fully-certified, two-channel, Link 16 and VHF/UHF radio, includes a range of software-defined VHF/UHF military radio and Link 16 functions. The VHF/UHF channels provide the soldier with the capability to insert time-critical data on the Link 16 network using software programmable waveforms such as HaveQuick and SINCGARS. Applications include helicopters, light aircraft, small boats, UAVs, and ground forces including vehicles and a wide variety of "shelterised" communication nodes.

Source: ViaSat