
China's Singles' Day is not just About Singletons But Shopping, nor just Alibaba, but and the Whole E-Commerce Market

- 84% of the e-shoppers claimed they will join the shopping carnival on November 11, 2015
- 60% of the e-shoppers claimed that they will visit on Singles' Day, 8% increase from last year, while same level of attention is received by Alibaba e-commerce platforms (Taobao 88% and Tmall 77%) this year
- E-shoppers planned to spend USD340 on, 12% more than those who will spend on Tmall (USD303)
- Chinese e-shoppers are more rational than before. They start to prepare the shopping list 14 days in advance and more of them said they can accept lower discount rate from 10%-40% off (59% in 2015 vs 48% in 2014)
2015-11-05 21:36 2237

BEIJING, November 5, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- China Singles' Day, on November 11 -- 11/11 every year, was founded by Alibaba in 2009 as the big sales promotion day for the single people to "celebrate" their singleton status. In just 6 years, its sales increased by over 1,100 times from 2009's USD7.9million to 2014's USD9billion. According to AdMaster's mobile survey (the leading marketing data technology firm in China) to 1,468 netizens on October 8-9th, 84% of the respondents claimed they will join in with an average spending of USD285 (32% increase from last year). And Alibaba is facing big threat from, another leading e-commerce platform in China used to focus on 3C products and electrical alliances.

Singles' Day is No Longer the Carnival of Alibaba. Showed Signs of Threats with Increasing Consumer Attention and Higher Budget

Taobao and Tmall (the 2 e-commerce platforms of Alibaba) always attracted the highest level of attention of e-shoppers. However, this high level of attention only showed minimal increase from 2014 to 2015. Instead, e-shoppers' attention has been drawn to, another key player in China's robust e-commerce market. Spending has increased from last year's 52% to 60% this year. In terms of spending, e-shoppers planned to spend an average of USD340 on, 12% more than Tmall's USD303. 31% of Tmall e-shoppers plan to spend more than USD300 while there are 36% on

The Fight For Consumer Attention Has Already Started. E-Shoppers Will Start The Shopping List 14 Days In Advance On Average. While 29% Respondents Claimed They Will Start Three Weeks Or More In Advance. And E-shoppers Are Willing to Pay a Deposit for Their Favorite Items.

AdMaster's survey revealed that consumers are better prepared. Twenty-six percent respondents begin screening products 2 weeks earlier, while nearly 30% start 3 weeks or more in advance. Also, the result showed Pre-Order is gaining popularity. There are 56% of consumers planning to use pre-order for Singles Day this year, nearly doubling 2014's 29%. Pre-ordering a purchase method launched by Tmall last year, allows consumers pay a deposit to secure products in advance. It solves the out-of-stock situations frequently encountered in the previous years, freeing consumers from staying up late to fight for the limited bargain, and gives sellers time to prepare and deliver products.

Consumers Prepare To Spend USD285, 32% More Than Last Year And The Payment Methods Are Diversified.

From the survey result, the expected spending per person reached USD285 this year, a whopping 32% rise compared to 2014. It is also noteworthy that the highest average spending group has shifted from those aged above 35 to those aged 26-35 this year, with USD343 per person. According to the survey, 62% of people plan to use these online credit payment services in Singles' Day this year, and their average expected spending is USD157 higher than those who are not using them.

The Intensified Battlefield is on mobiles.

The shift from PC towards mobile continues. Eighty-four percent respondents choose to use mobile for their Singles' Day shopping. More e-shoppers will use WeChat Pay. 32% of the respondents said they will use Wechat Pay this year with 20% growth from last year, the highest growth among all payment methods.

"2015 Singles' Day is a true party for everyone. Alibaba is facing pressure from other e-commerce retailers. E-shoppers are more rational, smarter, proactive and prepared for Singles' Day. Pricing is not the only differentiator. Friends' opinion is more valued than that of online experts. It's crucial for brands to motivate target consumers to add their "stores" into "favorites" or to share comments on social media. In order to leverage on the strong momentum of mobile platforms, we highly recommend marketers to adopt cross-screen or multi-platforms for their promotion campaigns," Maggie Wang, VP of Commercial Strategies & Innovation, AdMaster added.

Data source: AdMaster Mobile Survey, November 12-18, 2014 n=1077, October 8-9, 2015, n=1,468

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Source: AdMaster