
Heroes Evolved Featured on Google Play, Times Square, & More!

2017-10-25 02:00 1519

HONG KONG, Oct. 25, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Heroes Evolved launched in Spring this year, and is still going strong, growing faster than ever thanks to its streamlined approach to the tried and true MOBA formula. With over 8 million downloads, a yearly organized championship with compelling prize pools, worldwide server locations, & more, Heroes Evolved has carved itself a nice slice of the MOBA-genre pie.

Recently prominently featured as one of the top games available on Google Play across all major regions, Heroes Evolved continues to grow in popularity with gamers worldwide. To date the game has been featured by Google and their editors more than 774 times in over 98 countries.

Heroes Evolved Featured on Google Play
Heroes Evolved Featured on Google Play

To celebrate this, and an exclusive partnership with Bruce Lee, LLC (owned and operated by Bruce Lee's daughter, Shannon Lee) to bring Legendary Martial Arts master Bruce Lee into Heroes Evolved as a playable character onto the devices of millions of fans, R2Games has plastered the huge banners of the prestigious Times Square in New York City with images from the game, no doubt hoping to further expand the already sizable playerbase. It's not just any company that can advertise in such an iconic location, alongside the likes of Coca-Cola, further cementing R2Games as an industry leader within the world of gaming - be it for browsers or mobile devices alike. With such a huge push, it's clear that R2Games is dedicated to adapting and bringing Chinese culture in gaming to global audiences.

Heroes Evolved Featured on Times Square in New York City
Heroes Evolved Featured on Times Square in New York City

As a celebratory bonus to the release of Bruce Lee, all players will receive free items including gold, hero cards, jewel cards, and more between October 21st and 25th; letting players know that R2Games is about gameplay, content, and fun first and foremost - unafraid to host giveaway events to inspire confidence the fanbase.

While Bruce Lee is the first and only real-life persona in Heroes Evolved currently, R2Games has plans to bring more beloved and famous characters (even fictional ones) from popular culture into the game, in the hopes that every player will find an in-game hero to identify with, as well as discover new ones from around the world.

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Claire WANG

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Source: R2Game Co. Limited
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