
Milanoo Creates New Cross-Border Telemarketing Service; O2O Experience Shop lands in France

2014-05-21 22:04 1900

CHENGDU, China, May 21, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Mainland China's famous cross-border clothing trade e-commerce company Milanoo is about to open up an O2O experience shop in France. Milanoo, as a cross-border online B2C industry with many years of experience, has decided to take a completely new step in 2014, joining B2C and O2O together, making use of the advantages of online sales and offline experiences, providing consumers with an even more comprehensive experience.

O2O shops refer to a new type of shopping experience store from online to offline. It allows goods in online stores to get offline exhibition and trial opportunities. Users can get information on goods online and experience using the product in actual stores. The O2O shop model perfectly combining the advantages of traditional real shops and modernized online shops, and it is becoming a trend in the e-commerce world.

Committed to being a cross-border e-commerce company in the clothing industry, Milanoo has always maintained a B2C development model. With the increasingly fierce competition in the clothing industry and as well as problems of one-off online transactions, Milanoo decided to open up a new product experience store this year with France as a starting point. Clients can set up a free try-on of clothing products on Milanoo's website at the Paris experience store, so they can personally experience the quality, workmanship, as well as having the opportunity to try on different styles and sizes of Milanoo's products, making it easier to eventually choose the most suitable clothes on the website.

"Milanoo has been hoping to be able to push forward China's clothing industry into the wider world. We hope to use a kind of convenient and personal way to provide China's superior clothing products to the customers of the world. Therefore, we began to use the B2C model from the very beginning, to provide products and services directly to independent customers overseas. Now we hope through trials of the O2O model, we are able to give the customer more channels for learning about our products," said Milanoo's vice president of operations Abby Lai.

"From past experiences with online stores, we have noticed that our customers are overseas, and owing to the gaps in distance and culture, if we only display our products to the customer via pictures and text on the website, it would be difficult to exchange and communicate with the customer and understand their needs, and the cost of trust is very high. The opening of the O2O experience store has allowed our extremely competitive products to appear before the customers' eyes, which is an even more direct and more favourable feeling than transmitting it through a screen."

It is understood that in June, Milanoo's soon-to-open experience store will mainly be displaying Milanoo's line of wedding dresses. In this experience shop of over 400 square meters, a few hundred wedding dresses and related accessories will be provided for customers to try on for free. At the right time, will also open up a reservation channel, where customers can book try-ons at the shop through reservations on Customers who come to the shop for try-ons will all receive discount vouchers.
