
Elderly Japanese Investors Pursue Northstar (Bermuda) Claim with SSEK Law Firm for Up to $500K Against Bankoh and Yoko Farias of Pacific Century Investment Services in Honolulu

Shepherd Smith Edwards & Kantas LLP
2022-05-24 06:00 2578

HONOLULU, May 24, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Two older investors from Japan have filed a FINRA arbitration claim against the broker-dealer Bankoh Investment Services and its broker Yoko K. Farias over losses they sustained in Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda). 

Our Northstar (Bermuda) investment lawyers are representing these two claimants in FINRA arbitration against Bankoh and Farias. They are two of the dozens of investors for whom we are fighting to help recover their losses they sustained after their broker-dealer marketed and sold Northstar (Bermuda) investments to them.

Bankoh and Farias Allegedly Concentrated Claimants In Unsuitably, Risky, Offshore Company
While the claimants now live in and are citizens of Japan, they had a Bank of Hawaii account. It was through this financial institution that they were introduced to Bankoh. Now, they are accusing the brokerage firm of overconcentrating more than $300K of their assets in Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda).

Northstar (Bermuda) neglected to fulfill statutory disclosures at the end of 2018 and 2019, while its owner billionaire Greg Lindberg was indicted of crimes in 2019, and Bankoh ceased to market the company's products to customers. Bankoh and its financial advisor allegedly never informed these Japanese investors of the latest developments.

Inexperienced Investors Wanted Safety, Instead Got High Risks While Bankoh Earned High Commissions
These two inexperienced foreign investors claim that Bankoh and Farias allegedly promised them that their accounts would be structured for principal protection. Instead, the couple were allegedly concentrated in Northstar even as they remained oblivious to the perils, allowing Bankoh and Faris to earn high commissions and fees.

Read More About Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda), Its Products, and Related Entities.

Seasoned Northstar (Bermuda) Investor Law Firm
SSEK Law Firm is representing dozens of investors, including foreign nationals from all over the world, in FINRA arbitration in the US over Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) losses.

If you are Northstar (Bermuda) investor who would like to explore your legal options with SSEK Law Firm: 

In the US call:  (800) 259-9010 
International Via WhatsApp (text only)713-227-2400
Northstar (Bermuda) FAQs

Northstar Bermuda に関するよくあるご質問

Northstar Bermuda Preguntas Frecuentes 

Contact: Mathew Brown-Watson, 713-580-8911,

Source: Shepherd Smith Edwards & Kantas LLP