HONG KONG, Nov. 2, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Klone 4.0 accomplishes both in a manner that could potentially disrupt the bioprocessing industry, firstly by reducing development times by up to 80% as AI eliminates many of the laboratory pain points through GBB's proprietary deep machine learning techniques and algorithms and then by locating those cells with the highest expression capability in record time, in fact, approximately four hours.
Values of Klone 4.0
1. Higher Expression: Deep machine learning and AI intelligent prediction make it easier to find cells with high expression.
2. Up to 12 Times More Cell Line Candidates: Based upon September 2020 customer proof-of-concept data. Twenty-five (25) higher-yielding cell lines were derived using Klone 4.0 as compared to two (2) from a traditional cell line development method from the same cell pool. This surprise result goes beyond industry standards, providing customers with more options and more possibilities. Note: Individual results may vary, depending upon cell pool.
3. Stability Prediction: In the industry, we have pioneered to utilize deep machine learning to predict cell line stability in a short time.
4. Simple and Cost-effective Process: With "time and cost-saving" written into its DNA, AI delivered extraordinary fruits in cell line development for GBB, and GBB hopes to set a new industry standard and perhaps a new milestone in medicine by – bringing cures to the market faster while lowering patient costs.
International market price: US $100K/order
Chen, +86 0769-39018698-368
Email: info@greatbay-bio.com
View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/great-bay-bio-announces-its-first-ai-enabled-bioprocessing-platform-klone-4-0--reducing-cell-line-development-time-and-cost-by-up-to-80-301164546.html