
Industry Confederation of New Silk Road Economic Zone (NSR) Issued Chang'an Declaration

2014-04-03 21:00 6088

XI'AN, China, April 3, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- On April 3rd, 2014, Chang'an Declaration was issued at the starting point of the old Silk Road, Xi'an, by the Industry Confederation of New Silk Road Economic Zone (NSR), stressing that it aims at promoting and deepening industrial development of the Silk Road Economic Zone; establishing strategic dialog platform for discussing the development of the zone for business sector, political sector, academia, media representatives, the youth group, as well as the public; and providing comprehensive service for the expanding economic collaboration among members as well as between members and non-members through the network built by the NSR and other sectors in order to achieve prosperous development of the economic zone.

The complete content of Chang'an Declaration reads as follows:

The Chinese leader put forward the strategic concept of building "The Silk Road Economic Zone" together with Kazakhstan when he addressed a speech at Astana Nazarbayev University of KZ on September 7th, 2013, which has won extensive endorsement from relevant countries, economic entities, international institutions, and individuals. To further promote the economic cooperation of the economic zone, obtain and share the fruitful achievement together, Eternal River Industry (ERI) took the initiative in proposing and uniting like-minded organizations and individuals to sponsor the Industry Confederation of New Silk Road Economic Zone (NSR) and announced the declaration as follows at the starting point of the old Silk Road, Chang'an:

First, NSR is a cross-sector, cross-industry, cross-regional, and non-profit economic cooperation voluntarily launched by joint willingness and sponsorship of organizations and individuals who highly concern the development of the new Silk Road Economic Zone.

Second, the organizations and individuals as sponsors are honored as directors permanently; the site of NSR will be located in Xi'an City, Shannxi Province while the contact agency office is in Beijing.

Third, NSR aims to promote and deepen the industrial development of the New Silk Road Economic Zone; to establish strategic dialog platform for discussing the development of NSR industry for business sector, political sector, academia, media representatives, the youth, as well as general public; and to provide comprehensive service for the expanding economic collaboration among members as well as between members and non-members through the network built by NSR and other sectors in order to achieve prosperous development of the economic zone.

Fourth, NSR will progress the following services based on the above objective:

1.  Convening NSR annual meetings, forums, and other conferences; releasing annual developmental report of the New Silk Road Economic Zone; discussing major issues on the development of the zone;

2.  Putting forward industrial, regional, or global proposals; promoting and strengthening the cooperative ties in the economic zone among business sector, political sector, academia, media representatives, the youth, as well as general public;

3.  Tracking and studying policy trends and market dynamics that influence the development of the economic zone; screening the problems that affect its development; gathering and releasing relevant information; highlighting the cooperative opportunities with the economic zone;

4.  Encouraging industries, organizations, and individuals from around the region to share the theories, management technology, and experience through the network built by NSR; independently or cooperatively carrying out exchanges and collaboration on information, human resource, capital, technique, management, projects, and researches that are contributive to the realization of NSR principles; providing comprehensive services for members;

5.  Establishing the research center of the industry of the New Silk Road Economic Zone with global influence and providing high-end, cutting-edge, comprehensive, authoritative think-tank support and consulting services;

6.  Promoting the development of other services which are contributive to the realization of NSR principles;

Fifth, NSR will embark on extensive cooperation in global scope and invite representative organizations and individuals, sparing no effort to building itself into an economic cooperation with international influence.

Source: Eternal River Industry