
The Geneva Association Launches New Women in Insurance Award

First international award to celebrate women executives in insurance whose work positively impacts society.
Distinguished selection committee includes Brian Duperreault, President and CEO, AIG; Inga Beale, former CEO, Lloyd's of London; and Lucie Martel, Head of Human Resources, Intact Financial.
Winner to be honoured at 2020 Geneva Association General Assembly in New York City.
The Geneva Association
2019-12-09 23:31 2138

ZURICH, Dec. 9, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The Geneva Association is launching the Geneva Association Women in Insurance Award, the first global award of its kind, to call attention to the most impactful initiatives implemented by senior-level women in the re/insurance industry. Each year the Award will celebrate a woman's contribution to advancing the industry's response to the greatest risks to society, from climate-related events and inadequate health cover to protecting people by leveraging innovation, to name a few.

Spotlight on the future

The Geneva Association Women in Insurance Award puts the focus on executive-level women – still underrepresented in re/insurance companies – who have implemented programs and initiatives designed to help the industry fulfil its core mission. Brian Duperreault, President and Chief Executive Officer of AIG and a member of the selection committee, said: "Ultimately, the role of the insurance industry is to provide individuals, businesses and communities the tools and expertise they need to confidently address the risks they face. As we continue to push for greater diversity within our industry, it is imperative that we recognize the women leaders who are already taking the industry forward in a major way."

Rigorous award selection

The winner will be chosen by a prestigious jury and honoured at the 2020 Geneva Association General Assembly, to be held in New York City. The Award complements and enriches The Geneva Association's existing academic prizes. Geneva Association Managing Director Jad Ariss, said: "For over 40 years, The Geneva Association's awards have highlighted the excellent academic work being done to further the knowledge base of the industry. The Geneva Association Women in Insurance Award will allow us to recognize and honour women who are effecting positive change for the industry and for society."

Nominations are now being accepted via The Geneva Association's website. All submissions must be received by 28 February 2020, and the winner will be announced in early April 2020.

For more information contact Pamela Corn, Director of Communications, at +41-44-200-49-96 or

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Source: The Geneva Association