2018 / 11 / 12

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's Birthday (Taiwan)

Sun Yat-Sen was a major politician and a Chinese revolutionary who co founded the Kuomintang and served as its first leader. Known as the Father of Modern China, Sun Yat-Sen played a key role in abolishing the Qing Dynasty in China and was the first provisional president of the Republic of China when it was first set up in 1912. The leader, who spent much of his time in exile, holds a distinctive place in the chaotic and convoluted history of China, though none of his cherished dreams came true in his life time; unification of China is one of such dreams. His ideology, famous known as "The Three Principles of the People", the political philosophy of nationalism, democracy and socialism is one of his legacies to the people of China and Taiwan where he is venerated for his revolutionary efforts.

Source: The Famous People