2018 / 12 / 23
Public Holiday

The Emperor’s Birthday (Japan)

The Emperor’s Birthday is a national holiday in Japan and is celebrated on the day of birth of the current emperor. Currently it’s celebrated on December 23, the birthday of Emperor Akihito, who was born in 1933.

There are public celebratory ceremonies organized at the Imperial Palace. The Emperor’s Birthday is one of only two days during the year that the Imperial Palace is open to the public, the other being January 2. The emperor and empress, as well as other members of the royal family, appear at the balcony of the palace to welcome all those that come to the celebrations. Everyone that gathers in the palace greets the emperor with Japanese flags and cheers of banzai. Since there are many visitors during this time, visitors may be placed in groups before entering the palace grounds. The emperor and empress will then greet each group as they enter and leave the grounds.
