2019 / 09 / 10
International Day

World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention day is commemorated on 10 September every year. Suicide is preventable. More often than not, individuals don't want to end their lives - they just want to get out of the overwhelming or painful situation they are in. But they can't do it alone. In 2015 and 2016, SOS started a movement toward suicide prevention with an iconic symbol - the black #howru plaster. Since then, we have started countless conversations around this topic and encouraged those in need to seek the support they require. In 2017, the annual campaign went beyond starting conversations but instead, to talk about it right. We make light of suicide everyday through the casual and flippant use of suicide related phrases like #iwannadie. Trivialising suicide can hurt the people around them who might be struggling with suicidal thoughts or even those left behind by it. We wanted to help build better understanding for those at risk of suicide. 2018 saw Singaporeans from all walks of life contribute a message of support to #ThroughTheNight. Turning a hashtag into a platform of hope, where those in need can seek comfort and motivation through the words and craft of others. We believe suicide prevention can only be possible when everyone plays a part support each other through tough times. Your generous donations will enable us to continue providing relevant services to more vulnerable individuals in Singapore who are facing a crisis.