
The First World Forum on High Mountain Green Tea was Held in Mount Emei to Discuss the Future of Chinese Green Tea

Sichuan Emei-Shan Zhuyeqing Tea Industry Co., Ltd.
2019-03-06 12:47 2356

EMEISHAN CITY, China, March 6, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Sponsored by People's Government of Emeishan City and co-organized by Sichuan Emei-Shan Zhuyeqing Tea Industry Co., Ltd. and Emei Association of High Mountain Green Tea Research, the 1st World Forum on High Mountain Green Tea & the Mount Emei High Mountain Spring Tea Festival was held in Mount Emei on March 3, 2019. The event is themed with "China, Home to the Best Tea Worldwide; Mount Emei, Home to the Best Tea in China."

Mr. Kobaku Jyuuyou, a World Green Tea Association fellow & famous Japanese tea expert, the leader of the People's Government of Emeishan City, President of the China Tea Marketing Association, a number of Chinese tea experts and scholars, Discovery Channel and over 80 media gathered to exchange ideas regarding the reason for the leading role of Zhuyeqing Emei High Mountain Green Tea in the high-end green tea market and discuss the future development trend of Chinese high mountain green tea.

As an industry leader, Zhuyeqing Emei High Mountain Green Tea was awarded the "High Quality Recommendation Award" by the International Tea Committee. Mr. Tang Xianhong, Chairman of Sichuan Emei-Shan Zhuyeqing Tea Industry Co., Ltd., said that as the leader of the tea companies in Emeishan City, Zhuyeqing will actively cooperate with the government's tea industry development and lead Emei High Mountain Green Tea to become the hope of Sichuan tea, so that China's high-end green tea can rise strongly in the global tea market.

Launching Ceremony of the Emei High Mountain Spring Tea Festival and Spring Tea E-Commerce Festival
Launching Ceremony of the Emei High Mountain Spring Tea Festival and Spring Tea E-Commerce Festival

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Source: Sichuan Emei-Shan Zhuyeqing Tea Industry Co., Ltd.