
Modern Chinese Medicine Announces Year 2021 Annual Results

Solid growth driven by extensive distribution network and strong R&D PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS * The Group posted a consolidated revenue of approximately RMB360.7 million for the year ended31 December 2021, representing an increase of approximately 16.8% * For the year ended 31 December 2021, t...

2022-03-25 10:39 3997

Modern Chinese Medicine Announces Year 2021 Interim Results

PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS * Revenue increased by 8.8% to RMB171.8 million * Gross profit increased by 10.4% to RMB78.6 million * Profit after tax increased by 10.5% to approximately RMB44.1 million * The increase in revenue was primarily driven by the surge in revenue generated from the sales...

2021-08-26 20:46 5012

Modern Chinese Medicine Announces Year 2020 Annual Results

Solid growth with focus to broaden the distribution network and raise R&D efforts PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS * The Group posted a consolidated revenue of approximately RMB308.7 million for the year ended31 December 2020, representing an increase of approximately 41.1%. * For the year ended 31 D...

2021-03-26 22:08 12190

Modern Chinese Medicine Group Co., Ltd. Trading Debut Closed at HK$1.26 Per Share

HONG KONG, Jan. 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Modern Chinese Medicine Group Co., Ltd. ("Modern Chinese Medicine", together with its subsidiaries, the "Group"; stock code: 1643), which principally engages in the production of proprietary Chinese medicine (the "PCM") and offers both over-the-counter (the...

2021-01-15 18:57 12985

Modern Chinese Medicine Group Co., Ltd. announces its subscription results

HONG KONG, Jan. 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Modern Chinese Medicine Group Co., Ltd. ("Modern Chinese Medicine", together with its subsidiaries, the "Group"; stock code: 1643), which principally engages in the production of proprietary Chinese medicine (the "PCM") and offers both over-the-counter (the...

2021-01-14 14:30 10182

Modern Chinese Medicine Group Co., Ltd. to raise a maximum of approximately HK$221 million by way of Public Offer and Placing

Highlights * The Group principally engages in the production of proprietary Chinese medicine (the "PCM") in particular, and the Group offers both OTC and prescribed medicines intended for use by the Middle-aged and the Elderly in the PRC. * During the Track Record Period and up to 21 Decembe...

2020-12-30 23:38 15087