"Decoded": Groundbreaking Chinese Psychological Thriller Film Set for Global Release on August 22

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- CMC Pictures has announced the global release of the Chinese psychological thriller "Decoded," a groundbreaking film that blurs the lines between dreams and reality. Directed by the acclaimed Chen Sicheng, "Decoded" features a stellar ensemble cast includ...

2024-08-05 16:34 1560

CMC Pictures Secured Distribution Rights for THE WHITE STORM 3: HEAVEN OR HELL

BEIJING, June 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The renowned Chinese film company, CMC Pictures, announced that it has successfully acquired the distribution rights for the highest-grossingHong Kong crime thriller franchise, THE WHITE STORM 3: HEAVEN OR HELL in US,Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK & Irela...

2023-06-07 16:20 3015