
Canadian Solar Infrastructure Fund to Be a Major Component in the Tokyo Stock Exchange's New Infrastructure Funds Index

GUELPH, Ontario, April 23, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Canadian Solar Inc. (the "Company", or "Canadian Solar") (NASDAQ: CSIQ), announced today that Canadian Solar Infrastructure Fund, Inc. ("CSIF") (TSE: 9284), listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange ("TSE"), will be included...

2020-04-23 19:00 8812

Canadian Solar Announces Pricing of the Initial Public Offering of Canadian Solar Infrastructure Fund, Inc. in Japan

GUELPH, Canada, Oct. 26, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Canadian Solar Inc. (the "Company", or "Canadian Solar") (NASDAQ: CSIQ), one of the world's largest solar power companies, today announced that Canadian Solar Infrastructure Fund, Inc. ("CSIF" (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 9284)) priced its initial public of...

2017-10-26 20:04 1174