Futures of Education 2022

“Futures of Education” is UNESCO’s global initiative to re-imagine how knowledge and learning can shape the future of humanity and the planet. The initiative aims to ask what education might become and enable us to become. Organised by the UNESCO Hong Kong Association Glocal Peace Centre, the “Futures of Education Hong Kong & GBA Forum” is an interdisciplinary forum for the community to join the conversations on re-thinking education. By leveraging the collective intelligence of a wide range of stakeholders, we can think together and act together to make the futures we want. Now in its third year, the Forum aims to catalyze discussions on how learning and knowledge generation could facilitate the capability and capacity building for Hong Kong. The event welcomes principals and representatives of educational institutions from Hong Kong to join the physical event at the Hong Kong Palace Museum. Please contact peace@unesco.hk for more information. Registration to attend online is available here: https://peacecentres.unesco.org.hk/futures-education-forum-2022/