
Xinhua Silk Road: Sensor industry projects flock to settle in Zhengzhou, C. China

2019-11-12 09:50

ZHENGZHOU, China, Nov. 12, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- A number of sensor industrial projects will be settled in the Zhengzhou National High and New Technology Development Zone, Henan province, Central China, according to agreements newly signed during the 2019 World Sensors Summit held here from November 9 to 11.

These projects include the robotic intelligent equipment technology park to be built by Harbin Institute of Technology, the infrared and thermal sensor project to be jointly built by Henan Relations Co., Ltd and the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the hydrogen sensor project to be jointly built by the Zhengzhou Road & Bridge Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. and the Suzhou Topline Technologies Co., Ltd.

With the gathering of more sensor-related projects, the China (Zhengzhou) Intelligent Sensing Valley planned to be built in the Zhengzhou National High and New Technology Development Zone is expected to become a national intelligent sensor industry base in the future.

In an effort of develop the sensor industry, Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan Province, has drawn up a sensor industry development plan and introduced a set of support policies for sensor industry development.  So far, it has formed a multi-category sensor industry chain covering gas, meteorology and agriculture, with the Hanwei Electronics Group Corporation headquartered in Zhengzhou National High and New Technology Development Zone having grown into one of China's leading sensor company.

The 2019 World Sensors Summit, organized by the China Instrument and Control Society, and co-hosted by five international organizations including the Institute of Measurement and Control, the Kyoto Automation Alliance, and the OPC Foundation (China), provides an important platform for global exchange and cooperation. It is expected to play a strong role in promoting the construction of the 100 billion-level national smart sensor industry base in Zhengzhou.

More than ten Chinese and foreign academicians, and experts from 12 international organizations and 8 countries and regions including the United States, Japan, Germany, Britain, Italy and Korea, attended the summit and shared their views on the future development and market demands of smart sensors. The senor industry exhibition held during the same period, attracted nearly 300 well-known companies from the domestic and international sensor industry, including Microsoft, Siemens, Honeywell and other Fortune 500 companies.

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Source: Xinhua Silk Road Information Service