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PRISM BioLab, enters into a Joint Research and Licensing Agreement with Ono

PRISM BioLab will utilize PepMetics®, innovative small molecules that mimic three-dimensional struc...

2024-04-25 14:00 972

PRISM BioLab raises 1.5 billion yen in Series C fundraising to advance technologies and programs targeting protein-protein interactions

Eli Lilly and Company, Santec Holdings Corporation participated in the round TOKYO, Jan. 24, 2024 ...

2024-01-24 16:00 1218

PRISM BioLab and Lilly Enter into a Drug Discovery Collaboration on a Protein-Protein Interaction Target

* Collaboration focused on discovering oral inhibitors of protein-protein interaction (PPI) target...

2023-11-29 04:01 1264

PRISM BioLab, enters multi-project drug discovery collaboration with Roche and Genentech

TOKYO, Jan. 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- PRISM BioLab, a Japan based biotechnology company with a propri...

2022-01-05 09:00 1593