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SEMIFIVE Collaborates with OPENEDGES on Chiplet Development

Developing HPC Chiplet Platform to Feature LPDDR6 Memory Interface SEOUL, South Korea, June 12, 202...

2024-06-13 06:00 1671

SEMIFIVE joins Arm Total Design with plans to develop Arm Neoverse-powered HPC Platform

The HPC platform to be built on Samsung SF4X with LPDDR6 Memory Interface SEOUL, South Korea, June ...

2024-06-12 06:00 1801

SEMIFIVE Signs MOU with Atron Technologies to Collaborate on Semiconductor Design

Expected to expand global business in the Chinese market SEOUL, South Korea, May 23, 2024 /PRNewswi...

2024-05-24 06:00 3028

SEMIFIVE Collaborates with MetisX in Developing CXL-based Memory Accelerator Chip

- Collaboration on prototype design and mass product development with Samsung Foundry's 4nm process...

2024-04-25 06:00 1193