
1SEC INC. Creates Virtual Avatar Together with Takafumi Horie, Japan's First Civilian Rocket Pioneer & Entrepreneur

2020-07-20 18:18 2766

TOKYO, July 20, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- 1SEC INC. (Headquarters: Meguro, Tokyo; hereinafter "1SEC"), a next-generation creative company with locations in Los Angeles, United States and Tokyo, Japan that empowers talent through technology, begins activities in collaboration with Takafumi Horie Innovation University (HIU) toward the "Takafumi Roid Horie" (Horieroid) project to create Takafumi Horie's virtual human avatar. The "Horieroid Start Dash Campaign," a crowdfunding campaign to raise awareness of virtual technologies and support operational efficiency through AI and virtual humans, will be the first stage of these activities.

“Takafumi Roid Horie” (Horieroid) project to create Takafumi Horie’s virtual human avatar
“Takafumi Roid Horie” (Horieroid) project to create Takafumi Horie’s virtual human avatar

Following in the footsteps of Hiro Mizushima's "Lewis Hiro Newman," the world's first celebrity to become a virtual avatar back in 2019, "Horieroid" makes his debut. Horieroid is an AI and image-generated virtual human modeled off Takafumi Horie, the founder of Interstellar Technologies and HIU, initially created so Horie could freely engage in the activities he enjoys without worrying about his tedious everyday tasks.

Moving forward, there will be more focus on deep learning for speech so that tasks like lectures, product PR, fan interactions, etc. could all be delegated to Horieroid. The plan is to carry out said activities as a symbol of the age in which humans, AI, and virtual humans coexist.

In the future, the company will continue to deepen its partnerships with celebrities like Liam Nikuro, who attracted much attention as the first male influencer, and Hiro Mizushima, the first actor to become a virtual human. The company will also continue the research and development for AI deep learning.

Crowdfunding Overview
Horieroid Start Dash Campaign
To be started soon.
PR video with Horieroid,Bouquet of flowers from Horieroid, etc.

Takafumi Roid Horie
Date of Birth: June 2020
Height and Weight: 173cm, 73kg
Type: Virtual human
Nationality: None (does not belong anywhere in this world)

Corporate Overview
Company Name: 1SEC INC.
Representative: Hirokuni Miyaji
[United States] 1541 Ocean Avenue, Santa Monica, CA, US
[Japan] 2-1-1 Higashiyama, Meguro, Tokyo Oriental Higashiyama No. 5 6F
Founded: January 2019
Capital: 170 million yen
Business Content:
Brand studio business
Virtual technology and AI business
Celebrity digital transformation business

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Source: 1SEC INC.