
iTutorGroup Spotlights 3 Ways to Recognize Efficacy in an Education Company

Guide to distinguishing good apples from bad apples.
2016-06-08 07:06 3312

SANTA CLARA, California, June 8, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- If you are new to the online education space, your head must be probably spinning. What comes to your mind when hear of MOOCs, ALS, OER, CMS, LMS? It is only fair that companies in the education space speak in a simple and understandable language. However, as in any other business acronyms are "hip and cool" and thus won't go away. You know the saying:" If you can't beat them, join them." If that's the case, how can you recognize the good apples from bad apples?

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There are few things to keep in mind when evaluating a successful online education company. First, we start with a 3Rs Test.

  1. Referral rate
    How many of your current customers refer other people?
  2. Renewal rate
    How many of your current customers continue in your program?
  3. Refund rate
    How many of your current customers request a refund?

These simple questions can tell you a lot about success of any given company.

Second, you want to look into how a given company leverages technology and big data in education. There are two schools of thought in this matter. There is an option of MOOC-based platforms (Massive, Open, Online Course) like Coursera or Udemy or a route of highly individualized and personalized learning like iTutorGroup.

iTutorGroup is a global online education platform which has focused on providing highly personalized learning experiences online for over 12 years. During this time, it has continuously iterated and evolved its Dynamic Course Generation System (DCGS). DCGS is is big data-driven, patent protected system and allows to match the right students with the right teachers and the right lesson content.

Arthur Shen, COO of iTutorGroup, says: "We look at four components when analyzing the best matching outcomes. These factors are the student, content, classmates and learning consultant. We have developed a rigorous feedback mechanism that allows us to constantly evolve our system and thus understand customers' learning behavior and their specific needs. Ultimately, DCGS is a key differentiator that drives learning efficacy.

Shen continues: "Many people assume that having a website, marketplace and video chat is all you need for education. We know from our big data analysis that true individualized learning experiences in a live setting that continues to evolve, are the only source of efficacy.

About iTutorGroup
With more than 5,000 teaching consultants in 60 countries around the world, iTutorGroup is the largest online education platform that provides real-time interactive language training and easy access to experts on-demand through tens of millions of classes annually.

Source: iTutorGroup