
Fusionex Honoured as Most Outstanding ICT Company in Asia-Oceania (ASOCIO)

2015-10-12 16:00 2146

SINGAPORE, Oct. 12, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Fusionex added another laurel to its growing wreath of awards when it was announced, at the Asian-Oceanic Computing Industry Organisation (ASOCIO) Honourary ICT Leadership Awards Ceremony, that Fusionex was the winner for the Most Outstanding ICT Company Award, besting organisations across Asia for this coveted, prestigious title.

Established in Japan since 1984, ASOCIO is a grouping of ICT industry organisations representing Asia-Oceania, ASOCIO's objective is to develop the computing society and industry across the Asia-Oceania region and promote, encourage and foster relationships between its members. ASOCIO presently represents the interests of 31 economies, including members from Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and many more.

The awards ceremony was the highlight of the 2015 ASOCIO PIKOM ICT Leadership Summit and was attended by Ministers, senior government officers, industry captains and the ICT industry community across the region. Fusionex emerged as winner of the Most Outstanding ICT Company award out of more than 10,000 ICT companies representing ASOCIO's latest member count. Other finalist companies for the award included organisations from Hong Kong, Sri Lanka and Japan.  

"We are humbled to receive this award," said Ivan Teh, Managing Director of Fusionex when approached. "ASOCIO's members encompass the majority of the most recognised and reputable ICT organisations in this region, many of which are industry giants and recognised global brands. We are indeed honoured to receive this prestigious award, standing alongside past winners as well as all finalists, who are industry leaders in their own right."

Teh continued, "The success of Fusionex continues to be underpinned by the sheer creativity, tenacity and efforts of the Fantastic Fusionex team. They are truly the ones who deserve the title of 'Outstanding'."

About Fusionex

Fusionex (LSE: FXI) is an established multi-award winning international provider of software solutions, specialising in Business Intelligence, Analytics and Big Data. Its offerings are focussed on helping organisations manage, understand and derive value, insight and foresight from data.

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Source: Fusionex
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