
Korea TL Plastic Surgery Facial Contouring Center introduces "TL MBC Triple V-line Surgery"

TL Plastic Surgery
2017-06-19 09:00 5804

SEOUL, South Korea, June 19, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- V-line surgery is widely performed across the Korean peninsula. Korea has become the center of facial contouring surgery, globally. Unlike facial liposuction, lifting, or injections, V-Line surgery is the only surgery which can permanently alter the actual size of your face. Many people choose bone contouring for a free alteration of face shape, permanent effect, and one time performance.

Director of Plastic Surgeon, TL Plastic Surgery, Dr Kim Jeemyung
Director of Plastic Surgeon, TL Plastic Surgery, Dr Kim Jeemyung

In the past, only the outer mandible and chin bone were reduced or rounded for a slimmer V-Line, but traditional V-Line surgery turned out to be less successful. "TL Triple MBC V-Line Surgery", utilizes high-frequency muscle excision of masseter muscles to permanently reduce the muscle size, and reduce the side mandible width by cortical excision. Lastly it contours the mandible and chin itself via bone reduction for a maximum V-Line. In MBC V-Line Surgery, MBC stands for masseter muscle reduction, bone reduction and cortical osteotomy.

Dr Kim Jeemyung says, "TLPS Facial Contouring center performs thorough a diagnosis of an individual's mandible width, muscle positioning, nerve path, fat content, skin elasticity, and the patient's own idea of an ideal face to deliver the smooth and slim face of a patients' dreams.

Dr. Choi Sewoon also explains that to ensure patients' safety and successful bone reduction, TLPS precisely locates the inferior alveolar nerve through 3D CT and traces the nerve trail through coronal view to ease the patients' worries about nerve damage. Skin elasticity is measured and sagging is prevented via minimal detachment of the skin during the operation. No scars are visible by using intraoral incisions.

About "TL MBC Triple V-line Surgery"

  1. Masseter muscle reduction
    Overly developed masseter muscles can give you squares jaw, so during our jaw reduction. TL partially removes the muscles for the slimmest jawline without functional side effects.
  2. Bone reduction
    Actual bone is reduced depending on the nerve position, and the patient's personal likes. It is TL Technique to reduce the bone in a clean cut without giving rough edges and secondary angles
  3. Cortical resection
    Cortectomy is removing the outermost layer of jawbone, physically reducing the width of the jawbone, resulting in a slimmer front profile.

TL Plastic Surgery Korea Facial Contouring Center
Melissa Moon
Kakaotalk: tlps1234
+8210 8993 6968

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Source: TL Plastic Surgery