
Sensations at StarWorld Macau Presents Four Major Chinese Cuisines Series Finale -- Delicate Shandong Cuisine

2013-08-29 18:42 3047

HONG KONG and MACAU, Aug. 29, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Renowned for its attentive "Asian Heart" service, StarWorld Macau is dedicated to promoting Asian culture with a premium dining experience at affordable prices for its guests. Its round-the-clock Asian restaurant, Sensations, has been offering a "Four Major Chinese Cuisines Series"since March this year, featuring various Chinese regional cuisines at its best. Following the success of Hunan, Huaiyang and Sichuan delicacies, Sensations is rolling out "Delicate Shandong Cuisine" as a grand finale from 1 September through 31 October.

Deep-fried Bean Curd Stuffed with Assorted Mushrooms and Sweet Corn - MOP$88
Deep-fried Bean Curd Stuffed with Assorted Mushrooms and Sweet Corn - MOP$88

Shandong cuisine (also known as Lu cuisine) is a representation of the Northern China cuisine originating from the Qi-Lu region in the warring states period of more than 2000 years ago. Due to the vast geographical differences in the region, Shandong cuisine is differentiated into Jiaodong cuisine, along the coastal area; Jinan cuisine, from the inland Qi-Lu region; and the famous Confucian asthetic cuisine. Inspired by these special traditional flavors, the series of cuisine presented by Sensations vividly demonstrated the finest ingredient choices, delicate cooking techniques, proper seasoning and perfect heat control, spreading out a fiesta of delicious Shandong cuisine for our distinguished guests.

<1> Purple Radish Salad with Vinaigrette and Chili Oil - MOP$48

Purple radish is grown in the suburbs of Beijing. It has emerald skin with a reddish purple core. Purple radish gives a sweet vibrant and slightly spicy aftertaste, along with its crispiness and juiciness. It can also lower blood cholesterol. For this dish, chef first removes the skin of the radish and juliennes it, then blanches the pieces. With a drizzle of chef's special vinaigrette and chili oil, topped with crunchy crushed peanuts and coriander, this special traditional Northern Chinese appetizer is ready for serving.

<2> Deep-fried Bean Curd Stuffed with Assorted Mushrooms and Sweet Corn - MOP$88

Deep-fried bean curd stuffed with assorted mushrooms and sweet corn is a famous Shandong dish, and was listed as one of the dishes on the National Feast of the National People's Congress. Chef first cuts the bean curd into large dices and fries it in peanut oil until golden yellow. The pieces are then sliced open, the bean curd inside is removed and replaced with assorted mushrooms, dried scallops and corn. Chef then covers the top, steams the stuffed bean curd for 10 minutes and finishes by overlaying thick gravy.

<3> Pan-fried Pork Intestines with Soy Sauce - MOP$88

Pan-fried pork intestines with soy sauce, also known as braised intestines, is a dish from Jinan cuisine. There is a saying that the complexity of this dish is comparable to that of Taoism Alchemy. Chef first uses different spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, leek, ginger, garlic to braise the pork intestines and remove any odor. Once the pork intestines are braised to softness, they are then cut into pieces and stir-fried with leek, ginger and garlic. Finally, sugar is added and they are cooked with gentle heat until the dish turns reddish gold. Small amounts of vinegar, wine, salt and soy sauce are then added to the mixture until it becomes a thick, fragrant gravy reduction. This reddish dish is soft and tender, and gives a unique flavor of sourness, sweetness, fragrance, spiciness and saltiness.

<4> Stir-fried Sea Cucumber with Stalk Leek - MOP$128

Stir-fried Sea Cucumber with Stalk Leek is a dish representing the Jiaodong cuisine. It is served with luxurious sea cucumber as the main ingredient. Chef starts the dish with garlic and soybean sauce and pours in broth-simmered sea cucumber. After adding salt, chicken essence, rice wine, oyster sauce, soy sauce, rock sugar, broth and other seasonings to the mixture, the pot is then covered and simmered until reduction. The sea cucumber is then added to the stir-fried leeks with thin gravy before serving. This dish has a fresh taste and has health-giving properties.

<5> Braised Fresh Abalone, Shrimps and Cuttlefish in Casserole - MOP$ 128

Confucius once said "Rice could never be white enough". Confucian aesthetic dishes are famous for fine craftsmanship and delicate cooking techniques. This Braised Fresh Abalone, Shrimps and Cuttlefish in Casserole was named by the Emperor and its sophistication is royalty affirmed. It is said that in the Qing Dynasty, chefs from the Confucius family were often summoned to the palace to cook for the royal family members. The emperor liked this casserole dish that used many great ingredients very much, and therefore named it as "Top casserole". The word "casserole" is still used nowadays. Chef pan-fries the vegetables and places them at the bottom of the casserole, and layers it with broth-simmered meat such as chicken, pork and bean curd. The top layer consists of stir-fried seafood such as fresh baby abalone, shelled shrimps and dried oyster. Finally the whole casserole is completed with a delicious creamy oyster sauce. The whole dish consists of several cooking techniques in simmering, stir-frying and layering. The complexity of this dish requires perfect timing in cooking different ingredients and the superior techniques of the chef.


Address: 1/F, StarWorld Macau
Opening hours: 24 hours
Reservations: +853-8290-8618

Birthday Surprises in September 2013

Birthday stars deserved to be spoiled on their big days!  For those who are going to celebrate their birthdays in September, simply visit StarWorld Macau during September 2013 and you can exclusively enjoy a host of pleasant surprises!

  • Offer 1: Two persons and above: A complimentary Assorted Seasonal Vegetables Tempura at Inagiku when enjoying a lunch set
  • Offer 2: Two persons and above: A complimentary bottle of Premium Sake (300ml) or seasonal special drinks (one glass per person) at Inagiku when enjoying dinner set
  • Offer 3: Free MOP$100 e-Bonus to birthday star

Terms and Conditions:

1. The birthday star must be 21 years old or above and a member of StarWorld Macau's Galaxy Privilege Club.

2. Inagiku birthday offers:

  • Reserve 2 days in advance. Please quote "StarWorld surprise to birthday stars" and the offer code printed in the specified email. Reservations: +853-8290-8668.
  • Please present identification document, Galaxy Privilege Club membership card, and the specified email for verification when arrive.
    • Cannot be used in conjunction with other offer, promotion, or discount.

3. E-Bonus: Birthday star can redeem MOP$100 e-bonus with the specified email at StarWorld Macau Galaxy Privilege Club.

Amazing offers

Galaxy Privilege Club members are entitled to receive one reward point for every HKD100 spent at StarWorld Macau. Members can use their points to redeem for a wide selection of valuable gifts. Terms and conditions applied. For more information, please visit StarWorld Macau's website or Galaxy Privilege Club's website

Source: StarWorld Macau